Número 21, verano 2010 PDF Imprimir Correo electrónico


Fundamentos y Debate

  • Homenaje Póstumo a Bolívar Echeverría
  • Bolívar Echeverría
    Crítica a “La posibilidad de una Teoría Crítica” de György Márkus

    Abstract: Arguing with György Márkus by evaluate from the viewpoint of the discourse of progress and, therefore, from the dialectic of productive forces / social relations of production, the Critique of Political Economy, in this essay Bolívar Echeverría, against the discourse of progress, collocate as fundament of the viewpoint to evaluate it the use-value contradiction / value and critical theory of modern alienation.

  • György Márkus
    El legado de Marx – una respuesta

    Abstract: Answering to criticism of Bolívar Echeverría, Márkus argues that his interpretation of the Critique of Political Economy as a theory based on practical value-choices has not put aside the concept of alienation, rather, has shown how the dialectic of productive forces / relations social production is also its fundament. From there, however, explores how his perspective brings into question the discourse of progress since an update view of the concept of use value.

  • Semblanza del Homenaje en el Foro de Siglo XXI Editores
  • Jorge Gasca Salas
    De camino a ‘pensar la ciudad’. Tesis liminares

    Abstract: An unavoidable challenge of our cheats consists on recognizing the intricate one but, at the same time, certain relationship city-man, in the impossibility of imagining the humanity’s future without the city and, therefore, in its indisociation. Nevertheless, this challenge is not but to moment of the fundamental act what we can denominates think the city, after to group of suppositions and budgets that underlie in him: the human condition of the thinker-subject of the act; the characteristics of thinking same, its opening (understanding of the object of thinking being placed in, with or on him), its sense (thelos); and its instrumental felt (aspect that at all it is of second order and mentions to the instrument without which the object of thinking is inaccessible: the science, the technique, the art and the philosophy). The elaboration of a thesis group on the city responds to the necessity of making a recount of the status of its placement like object of think and the implications ontologic-epistemologic of this rules.

  • Luis Arizmendi
    Concepciones de la pobreza en la fase del colapso neoliberal

    Abstract: Demonstrating the presence of the globalization of poverty as a peculiarity of our age from the analysis of the reach of two prominent reports of UN-UN Habitat, The Challenge of Slums and Slums of the World: The Face of Urban Poverty in the new millennium?, which show the collapse of “neoliberalism” and try to promote the transition to a “neokeynesian” form of the economy and the state, this paper develops an original classification of the various contemporary conceptions of poverty according to historical configurations that each of them represents and promotes. This classification allows note the crossroads that the globalization of poverty facing with the turn of the century.

  • Serge Latouche
    El decrecimiento como solución a la crisis

    Abstract: Prepared by Latouche, no doubt, one of the most prominent representatives of the new current of thought global called degrowth economics –whose perspective speaks not only, as the Club of Rome, of zero growth, but frankly of degrowth, in first place in countries of North–, this paper show, with a very pedagogical way, the profound limits of discourse promoter of growth and development, revealing, in addition to its epistemological inconsistency by transfer a vision of biology to economics, its inconsistency radical before to a global crisis which tendency aims to intensify its effects in the twenty-first century.

Artículos y Miscelánea

  • María del Pilar Longar Blanco
    Tópicos sobre el agua en la productividad de los cultivos

    Abstract: In the rural environment, crops adaptation to humidity conditions, transpiration and use of water, as well as the resistance to insufficiency and response to an extreme deficit or “stress”, has been reduced in certain cases and specific geographical regions in which agricultural biotechnology contributes in the selection of crops methods with a more efficient use of water. The objective of this research was to promote and establish an agricultural production model able to provide enough quality food for the whole year for self consumption; as well as to have surplus for additional income that translates into health and welfare for the participating families in the rural community. A diagnosis was held with the main indicators about water resources as a basis, considering the impact on the population and agricultural production, by applying preservation practices and several greenhouse techniques, for those called plug. The idea was to control the tolerance limits for the environmental factors, mainly because of the water shortage that is a consequence of global warming. Preliminary results show the need for a strengthening of national and international collaboration that covers the necessities of the peasant population and the boost for innovation with these technologies; together with the lack of institutional support in physical infrastructure; and for business and trade of products at a national level, furthermore, international, that promote competitiveness.

  • Georgina Isunza/Cristian Dávila
    Oportunidades y Desafíos de la vivienda sustentable en la Cd. de México

    Abstract: This paper discusses the main challenges that the housing programs face to promote sustainability from three analytic frameworks: the economic susceptibility of householders to be eligible to obtain a mortgage loan; the obstacles derived from the housing gap; and the relation between the technology and environmental management. It is weighted to what extent the regulatory framework and the actual incentives schemes encourage development of eco-technologies for the sustainable housing.

  • Raúl Rueda
    El sistema de pensiones en una visión global

    Abstract: The review of the system of pensions of global form, it allows us to locate the resultant schemes in every country, same that are constructed or reconstructed under the cover of a Beneficent State or in the ambience of the market. Options for the population who sometimes results in a mixed character, or even, once journeyed in what is named as privatization, one returns to the responsibility of the State (Argentina, SIPA 2008). In one and other as it is known, the different schemes try to offer a solution to attend to the increasing given a pension and retired population, who joins suddenly or one incorporates gradually the entire population of the third age. Economic scarce, weak, inequitable responsibility, in crisis that has forced, in any of the schemes, in increasing the age to receive the benefits, although the marginal, unequal form is not analyzed, unjust that turns out to be the securing of the benefit for big part of the population, including to the developed countries, hence the proposal Obama to turn more just and egalitarian the system. Nevertheless it is a hanging aspect to analyze, to reflect, the change of paradigm that defines another direction of the system of pensions in every country, in Mexico, inside the analysis of the model of alternative development to construct opposite to the crisis.