Número 22, otoño 2010 Imprimir


Fundamentos y Debate

  • Claudio Katz
    Las tres dimensiones de la crisis

    Abstract: This article analyzes the determinants of financial crisis, inquiring how the aid granted to banks renewed speculation, blocked the regulation and recreates the gigantism of the entities. This relief launch, also, the lack of control of risks generated by juggling accountant, concealment of the losses and derivative transactions or securities packaged. Another cycle of financial expansion has resulted in a great explosion, this time is located in developed economies and presents unprecedented global contours. As the rescue of the banks is deteriorating public finances, creditors claim adjustments, but without agreeing the moment of a general cut. Only a strong global economic recovery would prevent the shift to contractives policies. Until now has been possible to stop a slide into depression. But there are no signs of sustained recovery in the U.S., while Japan’s economy languishes and Europe supports a serious crash. Only the intermediate group of countries led by China has remained afloat, while the bulk of the Third World suffer social tragedies.The increase in unemployment is the most convincing evidence of the effects of a crisis precipitated by the superproduction, which triggered the global competition for productivity increases without wage correlates. The current convulsion is also due to trade imbalances created by the U.S. debt to consume products made in Asia. These imbalances are extended into the asian bloc and the European Union. The expectation of resolving them through a rebalancing of global accounts, forgotten that the U.S. hegemonic recovery and re-entry of China to capitalism have built on these imbalances. Its rethinking lead to conflicts that went far beyond any adjustment of tariffs, exchange rates or interest rates.

  • Julio Boltvinik
    Principios de Medición Multidimensional de la Pobreza

    Abstract: Poverty measurement is multidimensional (this is the first principle) because human needs, satisfiers and resources are all multiple and diverse. Maslow’s scheme includes 7 needs while Max-Neef’s includes 10. Needs are satisfied through diverse satisfiers (I present a typology which includes 7 types of satisfiers), access to which is attained through a plurality of wellbeing sources (resources) (the typology presented includes 6 types). These diversity and complexity would not entail an analytic heterogeneity if markets were unlimited, if every satisfier was a commodity and was sold for a price. But markets have limits, exchange values are not universal: some satisfiers cannot be acquired in the market. This heterogeneity, which implies that some indicators are non-monetary nominal, usually easily transformable into ordinal indicators, while some are cardinal, requires a solution in order to be able to combine them all. Some of the solutions which have been used are problematic and generate inconsistencies as will be shown. Dichotomization of ordinal indicators, the most commonly used solution, implies loosing a lot of information and incurring in large measurement errors. The paper establishes 6 main additional principles which allow arriving at better solutions to the heterogeneity problem and to other problems found in poverty measurement methods. The principles enunciated and analyzed are the totality principle, inspired in Hegel’s idea that the truth is the whole; the principle of comparability of wellbeing, which implies that all indicators have to be transformed into wellbeing (non utilitarian) indicators; the principle of decreasing marginal objective (not subjective) wellbeing; the principle of the minimum error; the principle of complete replicable cardinalization which shows that the complex procedures I have followed can be standardized through what I call generalized dichotomization and thus made replicable; and the principle of the entangled nature (facts and value cannot be separated) of the concept of poverty, following Hilary Putnam.

  • Carlos Antonio Aguirre Rojas
    América Latina y la tierra en el siglo XXI

    Abstract: Almost from the beginning of the neolithic revolution, the transition of nomadic societies to sedentary societies brought with it the millennial definition of land property as central and troublesome element in social history. The XXI century has been shaped in a peculiar way this process into the frame of the meaning prominent that anti-systemic movements in Latin America have printed. This essay is an exploration of that process today and its historical trend.

Artículos y Miscelánea

  • Víctor A. Malváez Campos/Rolando V. Jiménez Domínguez
    Trayectoria tecnológica de la tomografía híbrida por emisión de positrones (PET-CT)

    Abstract: This work studies, by means of the technological surveillance, the origin and evolution of the hybrid tomography by positron emission, commonly known as PET-CT. This tomographic technique is currently used in the medical diagnosis of patients with tumors or neoplasias, and its efficient use in Mexico could reduce costs and increase the opportunities for more people to have access to advanced medical technologies. To this end it is necessary to make them known, together with the fields of actual and potential applications. The main providers of this technology and their core competences are detected by means of patent analysis, as well as their technological profiles, advances and future developments. Patent analysis is carried out by consulting data bases as USPTO, EPO, JPO and WIPO. The technological surveillance was accomplished with the help of the International Classification of Patents (ICP) protocol, which allows the identification of the technological fields that are related to PET-CT. Future trends in the technology and possible evolution of equipment and radioactive marker prices are also found.

  • Carlos Valdés Martín
    Aguas reflejantes, inquieto espejo distorsionante:los materiales que construyen la identidad nacional (el caso mexicano)

    Abstract: It is an interpretation of the national identity integration process applied to Mexico using Lake and Aztec legends symbolism. The background of economic processes is expressed as the appropriation of territory and food in foundational legends, it means that rescues the production of material life as the national theme background. And this is done by integrating complex dimensions of national phenomenon, when people relations with its own evolution set their identity, symbols which while laying remain in motion.

  • Margarita de Miguel Guzmán/Reyner Pérez Campdesuñer/Marcia Noda Hernández/Armando Cuesta Santos/Liliana Sánchez Augier
    Tecnología para la planeación de los recursos humanos en instalaciones hoteleras

    Abstract: It proposes a technology composed by a conceptual model, a methodological procedure and a group of tools that it saves the deficiencies before commented, at the time that possesses qualities that make it suitable to be used in the hotel entities where human resources planing, for the peculiarities of the activity that he/she is carried out, presents own shades.