Número 17, verano 2009 PDF Imprimir Correo electrónico


Fundamentos y Debate

  • José María Pérez Gay
    Walter Benjamin: el naufragio ineluctable

    Abstract: With a surprising new perspective, in which Walter Benjamin is seen as a “ineluctable wreck”, this essay gives an account of the way that during the agony of the Weimar Republic he had failed in almost everything. In fi eld of work, in political fi eld and in his personal life. But Benjamin gaze´s on Baudelaire also applies to himself: the reality of the misery away from cancel corroborates the fact that he has everything to become a legend. His failure reveals a guiding principle of the age. A principle formulated in his work on the german baroque: “In the absolute Evil our subjectivity recognizes its misery”. Benjamin described this world from the perspective of the marginalized: the bohemia, the flaneur lost in the passages of Paris, which lead to the grands boulevards built by the baron Hausmann. Always attracted to discover in the most insignifi cant the most important of an event. On the concept of history, that he wrote after his confi nement in the fi eld of Nevers, in France, which suffered with Hannah Arendt and Arthur Köstler, he saw the constitution of the real world as a landscape ice, where modernity is transformed into a cumulus of ruins. For his intervention monumental he is perhaps the author about who exists more essays and written in a century. His criticism of the myth of progress has made him an author who keeps writing even after his death.

  • Dave Gordon
    Justicia social y política pública. La búsqueda de la equidad en diversas sociedades

    Abstract: Challenging the New Labour’s perspective, this paper demonstrates in a decisive manner that the economic theory as well as political philosophy about social justice for children are limited and wholly inadequate. Dave Gordon examines the thought of ancient Greece, wich also emphasize that women and children should be governed by men, and allowed the murder of newborns. Criticise the neoclassical theory because conceived the child only as investment in human capital and, from there, sees children as the property of their families. Also, debate with the feminist vision, with Rawls, Nozik and Amartya Sen, showing the hiatus that exists in contemporary thought by not to assume to children as agents with demands independent with equal rights to adults. Concludes that building a just society undoubtedly needs to satisfy this enormous lack.

  • Luis Arizmendi
    La especificidad histórica de la crisis mundial contemporánea

    Abstract: Starting to criticize the latest version of the myth of progress that observed the turn of the century like synonym of a new belle époque for the history of capitalism, this essay explores the historical specifi city of the contemporary world crisis showing that this crisis is far more complex than Big Crisis in 1929. Precisely, because with it are superimposed, interacting on each other, three crises: the crisis of capitalism cynic, the 4th great crisis of the modern economic history and the global environmental crisis. In front of them, there are two trends in collision: a neokeynesian trend and another neofascist trend, that struggle to defi ne the form of capitalism in this century.

  • Víctor Flores Oléa
    La necesidad de la utopía

    Abstract: Opening in a double front to face the crisis of the utopias, this essay, on the one hand, critics the disenchantment that it is promulgated through the myth of the end of the history by Francis Fukuyama; on the other hand, on a pair, critics a complementary but inverse modality of disenchantment, just one that sees single disappointment in the failure of the projects of capitalism as freedom and socialism as emancipation of the capitalist alienation. In front of this crisis of utopias, the author recovers in this paper the contributions of the Frankfurt School and Ernst Bloch’s principle of hope to begin the relaunch of critical-utopian thinking in the twenty-fi rst century.

Artículos y Miscelánea

  • Rolando V. Jiménez Domínguez
    Energía y Poder

    Abstract: The main factors underlying the predominance of some countries on others are being shifted from the economy and military to the energy domain. The infl uence of those controlling the energy fl ows in the world increases as the rich countries become more and more dependent on foreign energy sources. This is why Russia is recovering its role as a world superpower: not due to its military power, but rather to its huge reserves of gas and oil. Some consequences of these force displacements are explored in this work.

  • Guillermo Velazquez Valadez/Federico Reina Sosa
    El diagnóstico organizacional y los ciclos económicos como fuente de información para la toma de decisiones

    Abstract: Companies in Mexico, as elsewhere, require an information system that allows them to take timely and accurate decisions in order to be ahead of changes in the environment and to be prepared to face competition and changes in the fi nancial world as well as in the political and social domaines. The main objective of this paper, is to directly fi nd the main reasons why the Mexican SMEs do not use organizational diagnosis, as an administrative tool that gives them information about the current situation and allow them to base their decisions on facts and real information. Moreover, the study analyzes the pattern of rotating sectors, as a fi nancial tool that gives companies information of the economic environment in advance, and enables to make choices, as long as they analyze each of its variables. It also recommends the utilization of the Dow theory and of technical analysis as important tools that enable to asses the market situation and its likely development and warns about the market trend thus allowing the enterprises to take the appropriate measures.

  • Jorge Ramón Silva García
    La inversión colectiva, un instrumento de cambio para el sistema financiero mexicano

    Abstract: Evidence shows, in Mexico, the fi nancial system has become to not interesting for the little savers resources, who do not fi nd attractive alternatives to put their monetary excedents. This fact, although the increasing need for fi nancial resources to the small and medium enterprises (SME). In front this environment, Institutions of Collective Investment can become a very important option for the little investors but, what is most important, their function, adequated regulation and a strong Financial Culture for the fi nancial services users, can make them one instrument for change in the mexican fi nancial system, source of fi nancial resources to the SME and support to the economic growth.