Número 38, ene-abr 2016 PDF Imprimir Correo electrónico


Foundations and Debate

  • Wim Dierckxsens / Walter Formento
    The Battle of financial empires by the world A world in historical transition?

    Abstract: At present, the economic blocks are characterized by traverse an intermediate phase in overcoming of all types of border. The new form of global financial capital, which collides with the previous form, is imposing a new configuration of capitalism. The globalized financial capital is creating from Wall Street and London, a network of global financial citys and a global state without national “barriers”, a State without citizenship. However, in the US there is another fraction of transnational financial capital that struggles for “Another American Century” based on the dollar. This fraction is expressed by the Tea Party. Although both are forms of unipolar financial power, the second is clearly in decline, but with strong intents of a “restauración” with the support of the military-industrial-financial complex. US and European Union are conceding increasingly in the framework of this”restauración”. European Union have two options: to become part of the global financial network, with the almost certain subordination to the network of Angloamerican citys, or develop its links with the project of Eurasia, led by Russia and China. The extended multipolar productive project of Brics countries is a project of world scale, exactly like the two unipolar projects of financial capital. The key will reside in the position of European Union. Its articulation with the extended Brics, will produce the incapability of unipolar financial schemes to generate its development. This scenario is creating a dangerous geopolitical and military situation.

  • David Richard Ravaux
    The risk dynamics in the 2007 global financial crisis

    Abstract: The present article intends to study the risk dynamics developed during the global financial crisis which broke out in the United States in 2007. Based on the risk sociology, this article will present some macroeconomic data partly taken from the International Monetary Fund. First, the origin of the crisis will be highlighted through the production of risks coming from the instruments proper to the international finances. Then, the dissemination processes of the risks of the financial crisis will be described through the theoretical representations of the risk society. We therefore consider that this crisis reveals the risk society whose configuration will be sketched along the document.

  • Tulio Andrés Clavijo Gallego
    New territorial configurations. The case of Black communities of Colombia

    Abstract: The process of ethnic-territorial recognition followed by Black communities of Colombia since the 90’s of the last century has become a milestone in the establishment of new ways of territoriality and co-governance. This article collects some pieces of the history of this process aiming at searching for a critical analysis that can allow not only to describe the process but also to drag some previous contexts that enabled its development. This article is also intended to warn about key future implications that a process of collective titling of lands may mean for the country. Although the article provides general references for the national territory, its guidelines of thematic specificity are focused on the actions carried out by the Black people of the Department of Cauca, located in south-western Colombia.

Articles and Miscellany

  • Gordon Welty
    Pareto’s Theory of Elites: Circulation or Circularity?

    Abstract: La sociología de Pareto es inseparable de su perspectiva económica, en especial su célebre teoría de las élites. Su teoría de los mercados monopólicos requiere factores extra-económicos, por lo tanto, construyó una teoría sociológica de las élites. Aquí se demuestra que su teoría sociológica general de las élites es vacua, ya que la clase de las elites es co-extensiva respecto de la población total. Esta teoría es significativa sólo para las élites económicas en mercados no competitivos.

  • Francisco Almagro Vázquez / Marco Antonio Durán Ruvalcaba / José Carlos Trejo García
    Causes affecting the increase of the external debt of Mexico

    Abstract: The level of total income in the economy or gross national disposable income (GNDI) is essential to have sufficient resources to cover expenses that occur in the economic system. In the case of Mexico, this indicator does not reach the amount required to sustain a balance between revenue and expenditure. Some of the causes that limit the growth are due to low and unstable growth rates of gross domestic product, including internal revenue created by the economy and external, the latter composed of factor payments (rents) to the rest of world, as well as current transfers, remittances received from abroad. To demonstrate the causes of the increase in external debt three variants of internal absorption are analyzed: a) GDP generated does not satisfy the requirements of domestic demand (domestic absorption), b) the value of the GNDI is less than the domestic demand c) Domestic demand savings are not enough to finance gross domestic investment. These results are reflected in the current account of the balance of payments with deficit balances and leads to the need for external financing, which besides covering unfavorable current account balances, exceeds these needs, accumulating international reserves and as counterpart the external debt is increased. This short-term debt is supported by 80% of reserves.

  • Luis Mauricio Rodríguez / Juan Aranda / Patricia Rosas / María Pérez / Blanca Gutiérrez / Carlos Topete
    Integrating human talent management in research for improving of the National Polytechnic Institute graduate programs

    Abstract: In this paper a program to set up a human talent management for scientific research and technological development in the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico (IPN) is proposed, seeking to integrate graduate students from the IPN into the National Researchers System (SNI, Spanish acronym). Clearly, for Institutions of Higher Education in Mexico, incorporating their researchers to the SNI favors not only the scientific and technological productivity of the institution, but also allows the incorporation and consolidation their academic programs at the National Quality Graduate Program (PNPC, Spanish acronym), sponsored by the National Counsil for Science and Technology (CONACyT, Spanish acronym). We propose then the coordination of the Institutional Program of Research Training in the IPN (PIFI-IPN) with the National Researchers System (SNI) as Program of Human Talent Management, being the main goal to incorporate the IPN graduate students to SNI once their research training has been successfully completed. At the same time, the objective is to impulse SNI researchers to improve their performance to ascend to the higher levels of the system. In short, this proposal consists in two phases, an initial one starting with the student’s admission to a technical high school program at the IPN as an apprentice researcher, until the fulfillment of a doctorate program, concluding as a pre-candidate researcher; and a second one beginning with the initial level in the SNI structure to the appointment of emeritus researcher. In this framework, we draw our view about fostering research as a collective activity focusing research training to create and consolidate research groups participating in academic graduate programs aiming to increasing their academic quality.