Número 16, primavera 2009 Imprimir


Fundamentos y Debate

  • Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves
    La nueva geografía política de la energía en una perspectiva subalterna

    Abstract: The article explains the reasons for the conversion to the speech of sustainability, on the part of large producers of petroleum and of large farms entrepreneurs of monoculture, who hegemonize the farming business. For that, the way in which this hegemonic sector -organized as a technical-cientific-industrial-financial-military-mediatic power, in which the owners of agrobusiness also participate, the old hegemonic power now modernized- has historically been reconstituted, is here analyzed. The conclusion is that a true tragedy is ahead, with the generalized expropriation that will occur by the expansion of modern-colonial large estate owner of the farming businessmen monoculture, who want to submit agricultural production to the biomass fuels production. The enormous importance of understanding the world scope of capitalism and the role of productive forces that the capital imposes, and the need to exercise the right to a different orientation anchored in the defense of territory, is hereby stated.

  • Atilio Borón
    De la guerra infinita a la crisis infinita

    Abstract: Starting to show what the crisis of the contemporary world is not, a purely financial crisis, this paper conceives this historic process like an integral or multidimensional crisis, that is like a crisis of civilization. Exposes that if the crisis of 1873-96 lasted 23 years and the end of 29 economic crisis was the Second World War, the current crisis doesn’t have any reason to be of short duration. Borón studies the overproduction crisis that affects all the sectors of the real economy, the energy crisis, the alimentary crisis and the environmental crisis as dimensions of this crisis. He analyzes the positions of Russia, China, the European Union, Latin America, and also the risks of asymmetric wars as well as of serious social tumults in United States as recently propose Brzezinski.

  • Sergio López Ramos
    Historia social del cuerpo humano en México

    Abstract: The present work approaches the body concept like an alive document and a microcosms that its built socially in the Mexican society. A historical journey is made using newspapers of the XIX century and being exposed explanations of the Phrenologists of the time. The physical and emotional health is a discussion that seems to have arrived to its frontier. The classification and people’s selection become discussion principles to exercise the physical and social prison of the body of the poor. The body is a historical fruit that is related with the present in the conceptions and medical treatments.

Artículos y Miscelánea

  • Segundo Pacheco/Margarita de Miguel/Reyner Pérez/Armando Cuesta/Liliana Sánchez
    Cuadro de mando integral para la planeación de los recursos humanos en instalaciones turísticas

    Abstract: In this work is carried out the proposal of a control square as tool to use in the planeation of the human resources, in the the cuatros classic perspectives of the square of control integral is developed adapted to the peculiarities of the process of the administration of the human resources and the particularities of the tourist facilities.

  • César Lenin/Plinio Hernández/Janett Chávez
    Distribución del ingreso y pobreza en el estado de Michoacán, 1980 – 2005

    Abstract: The objective of this study is to apply some measures on income distribution and the degree of extreme poverty in the case of Michoacan. In this sense, the Gini, and the Foster, Greer and Thorbecke (FGT) indexes were estimated at the national, state and municipal levels with the objective to make a comparative analysis to get insight on the degree wealth concentration and poverty levels in this state during the period 1980-2005. The results achieved in this research suggest that the income concentration index is above the national average in this state. The Gini index was 0.4238 in 2005, meanwhile the national average value of this index was 0.3732. In relation the extreme poverty in Michoacan, this index got a value of 50.29 and 27.86 in 1980 and 1990, respectively. Meanwhile, the results suggest that the total population under the poverty line was 32.05% in 2005. However, this index was also above the national average of extreme poverty in this year (24.30%). Analyzing the income concentration index at municipal level, the results showed that the less concentrated municipalities in extreme poverty were: Morelia, Lazaro Cardenas, Uruapan, Zamora, Sahuayo, Jacona y Periban. On the other hand, the most concentrated municipalities in terms of income and extrem poverty were: Nocupetaro, Chucandiro, Caracuaro, Tiquicheo y Susupuato.

  • Ma. del Pilar Longar Blanco/Martha García/Carmen Juárez/Héctor Joffre
    Regionalización agroecológica. Enfoque sistémico aplicado a la marginalidad social prevaleciente en el campo mexicano

    Abstract: Beginning on the last half of the 20th century, our planet has suffered the greatest number of ecological alterations since its creation, mainly for the lack of awareness of humankind. Millions of hectares are cut down every year and in some cases the damage caused is irreversible. In Mexico, thousands of hectares of forests are cut down, affecting biodiversity and its ecosystems, and thus having direct effects on the ethnical groups that live there, forcing them to emigrate in order to find new means of survival. This research paper proposes an agricultural-ecological model that considers the most elemental actions in an integrated way, hoping to contribute in the preservation of natural resources and a respectful attention to the social groups that inhabit them.

  • Gabriel Rangel/Beatriz Mosiños
    Las ciudades bicentenarias y el desarrollo regional en el municipio de Tecámac, estado de México

    Abstract: Today as never, we faced an economic reality, sociopolitical and cultural in constant and vertiginous transformation that forces us to reflect not only in the guidelines that this follows in all the dimensions of the development but in their present and future implications, sectorials and temporary and its expression on different territorial scales. The present essay takes up again in first term the present discussion about the recent changes of worldwide Capitalism and the form in which they are pronounced in regional and local spaces; followed by the exhibition of some characteristics of the industrial structure of Tecamac’s municipality, Mexico ‘State. Both aspects represent an unavoidable context to analyze the process of economic development of Tecamac’s municipality, and to lay some courses of action for their local development.