Número 20, primavera 2010 PDF Imprimir Correo electrónico


Fundamentos y Debate

  • Elmar Altvater
    Un análisis crítico de la crisis financiera global

    Abstract: As one of the most brilliant interventions on the global financial crisis in the international border debate of the economic and social sciences, this article, made by one of the most prominent german economists of our time, based on the thesis of Fifth Section of Book III of the Critique of political economy, explores the ongoing and complex transition from one financial crisis to another since the eighties of last century. It runs from the debt crisis of the Third World to the subprime loan crisis linked to the system real estate, banking, insurance, conduits and credit default swaps. But in addition, in a decisive way, aware of how deep is the current global crisis, overflowing its financial dimension, also show how is an energy crisis, food crisis and climate crisis that shake the history in this century.

  • Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves/ Paulo Alentejano
    Geografía agraria de la crisis de los alimentos en Brasil

    Abstract: A countercurrent of those who thought defeated and outdated the discussion about agrarian issues in the international economy, the food crisis, that experiment recently much of the world, has exploded to reveal the crucial importance of the profound economic and territorial transformations that has been place on the field during last decades. The intense process of urbanization and the crisis of supply and control of fossil fuel sources help to understand the centrality of the agrarian question in defining the direction of economies. The agribusiness expressed in a symbolic way that seem contradictory in itself and yet is complementary: the process of modernization and colonization. Understood in this way, one could think from a different viewpoint the camp-city relationship as well as the growing production of agrofuels in countries like Brazil. Not forgetting that both processes, with their correspondent effects, are developing in the context of power relations that, in the contradiction between various land use projects, impose the victory of some over others.

  • José Guadalupe Gandarilla Salgado
    A propósito de Boaventura de Sousa Santos

    Abstract: Engaging with the work of Boaventura de Sousa Santos, this article goes on to discuss the pertinance and the possibilities for development of forms of thought posing an alternative to the modes of social and political khnowledge of the world wich held a position of dominance and hegemony within Western modernity.

Artículos y Miscelánea

  • Rolando V. Jiménez Domínguez
    Crisis global: neomalthusianos versus poblacionistas

    Abstract: The current development models for the world economies are being seriously questioned in the light of the global crisis the planet lives today. These models are based on two essentially different visions which modulate many of our production and consumption patterns. These visions are either extremely optimistic or merely catastrophist, and do not constitute a sound base for the design of truly efficient development policies at present times. This is why we have considered here to review these opposite visions in order to find the points which make them unable for explaining the real facts.

  • Rocío Huerta Cuervo
    Y ahora… ¿qué reformas requiere el régimen político?

    Abstract: The present essay looks for to analyze about the recent changes in the political regime and Mexican government system and its impact in the well-being of the population. The thesis that is maintained is that the political regime, arisen from the democratic transition in Mexico, was developed on the base of political organisms (political parties) with unstable organizational fields, with not well defined practical political programs, situation that has not effectively been faced through programmatic elucidation and the elaboration of rules of the game widely accepted between its members. This situation has been taken advantage of by the political elites of all the parties, by the PRI and the sectors economically more powerful, that have seen consolidated their economic and political positioning in the two last decades.

  • Edna Rosa Ramírez Gaxiola/Laura Fabiola/Guillén Rodríguez
    El narcotráfico en México y su relación con la seguridad nacional

    Abstract: This job raises the conceptualization of the national security and the drug traffic; this go through the strategies of the Mexican government against the drug traffic, and is also studied the relationship between t the drug traffic and the national security. While the government makes explicit the regime security as the national security faces the legitimacy problems so it is very common that the national security belongs to the regime security more than the nation. The origin of violence is related to the instability and insecurity as a result of the conflicts, poorness, population growth, crises in some institutions and the governmental disability; it also has a little relation with the nation defense. The national security not always has been at the service of the nation, but at the service of the powered groups. The drug traffic is wont to dare the existence of the State further more in some countries which have weak economy, the war against drug traffic is difficult because of the internal factors, for instance, the economic impact, the politic and economic high costs, as well as, the strength economic and politic interests of the benefited groups. The illegal activities are based on the market laws; produce violence because there isn’t any regulatory institutional mechanism. The level of institutionalization of a country is determinant in the application of the law and its governability.